Minitab Industry Solutions

Minitab helps companies spot trends, solve problems and discover valuable insights in data by delivering a comprehensive and best-in-class suite of machine learning, statistical analysis and process improvement tools.

Featured Industries



Minitab helps Manufacturing Companies to reach new levels of operational performance, increase overall effectiveness and drive innovation.

Energy & Resources

Minitab helps Energy & Resources Organizations to expand efficiency and boost production without compromising quality.


Minitab helps Healthcare Systems and Organizations to maximize cost savings, improve the quality of care and ensure patient and staff safety.

Consumer Goods

Minitab helps Consumer Goods, Food and Beverage Manufacturers to discover efficiencies, improve and ensure vital quality and uncover cost savings.

Spot trends, solve problems and discover valuable insights in data.

Data Analysis
Data Transformation​
Predictive Modeling

Powerful statistical software
everyone can use.

Data access, automation, and governance for comprehensive insights.

Machine Learning and Predictive Analytics software.

Online Stat Training
Visual Business Tools
Project Ideation & Execution

Master statistics and Minitab
anywhere with online training.

Visual tools to ensure process and product excellence.

Start, track, manage, and execute innovation and improvement initiatives.

Data Analysis
Data Transformation​

Powerful statistical software
everyone can use.

Data access, automation, and governance for comprehensive insights.

Predictive Modeling
Online Stat Training

Machine Learning and Predictive Analytics software.

Master statistics and Minitab
anywhere with online training.

Visual Business Tools
Project Ideation & Execution

Visual tools to ensure process and product excellence.

Start, track, manage, and execute innovation and improvement initiatives.